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On Demand

The Art of Retracement

Total Credits: 6 including 6 Professional Development Hours

Average Rating:
5 Hours - 6 PDH
Audio and Video


Every professional surveyor across the United States knows the phrase “Follow in the Footsteps” as it relates to conducting a boundary retracement survey. But what does it really mean and what is the basis for following the footsteps? And exactly whose footsteps are we talking about? Surveyors also know the effect of the statute of frauds is that what is written in the conveyancing document is considered by the courts to be the highest and best expression of the parties’ intentions. But what happens when the evidence of the footsteps on the ground conflicts with the written title? What if there are seemingly no footsteps to follow? In this program we will explore the concept of retracement, how it relates to - and is dependent on - the document of conveyance, and what controls when conflicts are inevitably encountered. When armed with a full understanding of the concept of retracement, surveyors will be much better equipped to help steer their clients (and their affected neighbors) away from the pain and cost of litigation, and towards an amicable solution based on well-placed confidence and understanding of their respective roles and responsibilities.



Gary Kent PS, PS's Profile

Gary Kent PS, PS Related Seminars and Products

Meridian Land Consulting

Gary Kent is Integrated Services Director for The Schneider Corporation, a land surveying, GIS and consulting firm based in Indianapolis, with offices in North Carolina, Tennessee and Iowa.  He is past President of the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping and the Indiana Society of Professional Land Surveyors, and is chair of both the NSPS and the ALTA committees responsible for the ALTA/ACSM standards.  Gary sits on the Indiana State Board of Registration for Land Surveyors and is currently vice-chairman.  He is a certified instructor for the International Right of Way Association and also teaches part-time at Purdue University where he has received two “Excellence in Teaching” awards.  Gary is a regular speaker across the country and he writes columns for “The American Surveyor” (called “Reconnaissance”) and for the ACSM Bulletin. 



Overall:      5

Total Reviews: 7